PS (pimpswag)
my long-time house mate and fellow musician/singer T-No and I had an incredible creative session until the wee hours last night. It was partially the product of a deep conversation with our always eclectic and loveable landlord/friend Harry. We were discussing the loss of our friend/housemate Mono, whom gave 12 years of his life to the US Army. Harry described him as lost and in need of a purpose, and it was then that he was turned on to the Army. He bet on himself... he watched close friends buried before his eyes and he still came out winning a long-shot bet of survival. However, his survival was only physical. In a much lesser sense, it felt similar to the battles Tino and I find ourselves. We gambled on ourselves.... we took the ultimate bet with our art. We left our families and friends and certainty for absolute uncertainty. It's a scary thing to throw the most bare part of your soul out there for those to share. That's been my problem. It has become all too easy with each passing year to let my art go into recluse. One person's reaction could be the difference between months of unstoppable, unflappable ambition and work... or absolute silence and a return to the money-driven, work away today and tomorrow ways of life. That is not why I am here. Not in California...not on this planet. Every time we press play or pick up an instrument or tell a tale behind a song and share it, we are juggling notes of fire and it is so easy to get burned. It feels great to wake up after working all night creating with a friend who has my back and believes in me.
Thanks for checkin out the first blog entry... many more to come! Going to try and do them every time I do some work. Going to edit some audio for the site and then look for gigs. Check back soon! I'll be returning to the East Coast for a long trip and look forward to reuniting with my bandmate/best friend to work on my other music group project, The DryKnuckle BedHeads. So many great songs and the studio is a'calling our name!
PS (pimp swag). Happy Pie Day! 3.14. Just had amazing pie at "The Pie Hole" in the Arts District of DTLA.