Clark Kent...
Hi errrabahdy! So I didn't have a case of the Mondays today. Work was super busy but rewarding... and I thought I'd take a post to talk about my "regular" life. Why? Because in a weird way, nursing is what allowed me to get to California and sustain life here in pursuit of my dreams. Also, nursing has definitely inspired many songs, a few notable titles, "Wounded Soul" and "A Nurse's Song" are my favorites. Today, during a meeting, I was given a small recognition by Kaiser to say that I helped screen a patient, order their mammogram, and get them in for their procedure. Today that person is receiving treatment for the breast cancer that was caught as a result. I have long-since claimed, "If I had to have a REAL job... it would be being a nurse. Because at least I'm using my heart, meeting/learning from a ton of people, and making a difference in this world. Plus... I can have a car collection someday." :)
I have only a short time tonight because I have to get to the gym and pick up a friend at the airport late night. I'm going to thus use it to work on the vouchers/ads for my site. I have a new concept to make sharing music fun in video form, so hopefully you can look for that over the next month here, along with the other new features I've been working on. see you soon! ~Nurse Mike