Thinking of U2
It's been quite an adventurous week! But all the illnesses in the world couldn't stop me :) So I got to do one of my favorite things of all time again- go on a road trip and explore some place I've never been. And it totally ROCKED! (you'll get that if you've been to Joshua Tree National Park). I can totally see why U2 picked that for the name of their Rock album...
It was nothing short of exhilarating and inspirational, and I can't wait to share more photos with my napkin notes. Photo credit of this goes to Ms California- she got some really awesome shots on our adventure! Next one will be on Labor Day... stay tuned! So today I have the day off... I've paid all my bills, mentally prepared myself to live off of Jack in the Box tacos for two weeks now that I have paid my bills (haha), and I'm looking forward to doing whatever I want to do today and this weekend. I found a way to have a remedial photoshop in learning the in's of Apple's Photo app build into my MikeBook Pro. Soon I may experiment with that and switch up the main images. I want to dust off some oldies and upload those, update my lyric book, update my biography, and then spend the bulk of my weekend working on reaching out for gigs and recording. That's the plan.... I'll post updates as they come. For now, enjoy your hot, summer's day, wherever you may be reading this! Peace, Love, and Iced Coffee....
~the leading man.