Leave Like Train

Hello from somewhere between CT and Manhattan! I'm on the train right now and after my arms have given way to typing fatigue while working on the second half of song lyrics to type for my book, I thought I'd do a quick blog entry. That week went by so quickly!! Can't wait to be back again so very soon! The fall weather was perfect and the trip was action-packed with events. I didn't get to record much because my Alesia FireWire 8 track mixer does not have drivers that allow it to be recognized by the newest (or last two) Mac Operating systems. So I spent some free time jamming, exploring, and working on some lighting and effects for the Studio. When I get to glue the Wallywood letters up, they will be bottom and back lit by cool blue LEDs on the stacked slate ledgestone wall. I'm also going to add an outline of the keyboard shelf and drumming area.
I spent some time looking up gigs but craigslist is getting pretty old. Well, that started happening years ago lol. I'm going to look into just playing some open mic nights anyway. I am looking forward to dieting and exercising cuz I feel out of sorts right now and I know self-happiness will reflect in my outward mood. Too much good food home! Okay wel getting close to the station, let me publish before I lose you. A 6 hour flight back to LA- hopefully I can sleep and do more work or lyric typing. Later gators!