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April showers

Seems like yesterday I was sooooo psyched for my upcoming trip back home!  Annddd wham, here I am back in LA after a week of work. Time flies when you throw a clock!  

I was very fortunate to have had the BEST trip home and 31st birthday EVER.  I got a new stage microphone, live tube pre-amp, and a rack mount for the studio. Also, me and my dad got to finish the Edison lights hanging and I can't get over this perfect room. It is my favorite place in the world- tied with Fusco Theater and the beach and back yard, of course. I think the best part of it is I travel and often have writers block of life-block... I'm not the type to sit and force stuff out. However, I can't remember a single time in the studio where I felt caged in. I unleash. I let go. I stop hiding and playing it safe and quietly and I can be the me I am in my head that I was when I was 15.  That is something that is priceless. 

This weekend will be spent back in the grind. Much love to all!  Also jim got me AirPods and Cali got me some awesome simpsons stuff and took me to an amazing Ramen dinner. Until next time... peace and burger grease! 

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